Healthy Diet Plan

Healthy Diet Plan

Healthy Diet Plan
Having a healthy diet plan can help you meet your goals of eating well and staying
in shape thesportship. Having a healthy diet can also help you reduce your risk of heart disease
and other health problems.

The key to a healthy diet is to focus on whole, natural foods that haven’t been
processed or refined. This means fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean
proteins and low-fat dairy products.
It is also important to cut down on solid fats, such as butter, margarine and
shortening. This is especially important for children and teens, as they are at
increased risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Eat more fruit and vegetables, including those in the “green” category (such as
spinach, kale and broccoli). Limit red meats, processed meats, sweets and fried
food, which are high in calories and saturated fat.
Vegetables and fruits should make up half of your plate at every meal and snack.
Vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients and fiber, which will keep you feeling
satisfied longer. Fill a quarter of your plate with whole grain foods, which have fewer
calories than refined grains. Choose whole grain bread and crackers, brown or wild
rice, quinoa, hulled barley and other whole-grain alternatives.
Protein power – 1/4 of your plate, with fish, poultry, beans, nuts and seeds. Protein is
a great source of many essential nutrients, including fibre, vitamins and minerals. It
helps you stay fuller longer and helps to build muscle.
Try to replace one or two unhealthy snacks with a healthier choice each day. This
can be a serving of yogurt with fruit or a piece of fruit, a serving of nuts, seeds and
legumes or a low-fat cheese.

Consider keeping a small bottle of water handy, which can be refilled throughout the
day as needed. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps to regulate your
hunger and thirst so that you don’t overeat at mealtimes.
Use the MyPlate plan to help you plan your meals and snacks. It will tell you how
much of each food group you should eat and how many calories those foods contain,
so you can keep your diet balanced and healthy.
You can customize your eating plan to fit your unique needs, based on your age, sex
and height. The plan also includes tips from dietitians and a 14-day healthy meal
plan to help you start eating right.
It’s never too early to start making changes, and a healthy diet can be easy and
enjoyable once you get started. Here are a few tips to get you started:
A Healthy Meal Plan doesn’t Have to be Complex
Your healthy diet plan doesn’t have to be complicated or hard to follow. The goal is
to eat a wide variety of nutritious, colorful foods that are as close to their natural
state as possible. This way, you can enjoy the tastes and textures of fresh fruits,
veggies, grains, and lean proteins while still meeting your daily calorie goals for
weight loss.

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